We will only accept returns that meet the following requirements:
- The product must be sealed and labelled in the same conditions as when it was delivered. It must be sent in its original packaging either a cardboard box or plastic bag.
- To ensure its protection during the delivery process. If you are somehow unable to return the product in its original packaging, it must be sent in similar packaging of the same quality.
- The product must not have been used or modified.
* Some products cannot be returned:
Special orders or limited stock, except in cases of faulty products. This includes tailor-made products that have been made by a manufacturer or supplier. Special packed products that once opened cannot be sold again like gloves, wigs, tights or similar products.
The customer is responsible for returning the package in perfect conditions, making sure the packaging protects the items from being damaged, and the package arrives safely to our warehouse.
Please be aware that products may vary slightly due to changes in the manufacturing process made by the manufacturer. These changes, regardless of their extremity, are beyond our control.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. As part of our return policy, you can return any product that does not fully comply with your expectations.
Okkur langar til að tilkynna þér að persónuupplýsingarnar í þessu eyðublaði verði unnar af Funiglobal Development SL (Funidelia). Megintilgangur þessara upplýsinga er að svara beiðnum þínum eða spurningum. Löggilding fer fram með samþykki gagnabankans. Við tilkynnum þér að gögnin þín verði ekki send til þriðja aðila. Þú hefur rétt til að fá aðgang, leiðrétta og eyða gögnum, meðal annarra réttinda, eins og lýst er í persónuverndarstefnu sem er í boði hérna.