- Select the products you like then click on the picture to find out more about the product.
- Choose the size and quantity you need and add them to your shopping cart by clicking on the green "Buy now" button.
- Briefly check your shopping cart to make sure all the desired products are included. Once finished, click on "Checkout now".
- Choose the delivery method you would like and click "Continue with secure purchasing".
- Fill in all your details (name, address, number...).
- Choose the payment method.
- Check the estimated delivery date and your address before confirming the order and click on "Pay and confirm".
- After making the payment, you will receive an email confirming your order.
- Once the order has been dispatched, we will send you an email with a tracking link from the shipping company.
Additionally, you can add accessories to your chosen product by adding them in the pop-up once you click "Buy now" button, or selecting "Recommended Accessories".
Then you must click on the "Buy Now" button to incorporate these products to the shopping cart, as long as they are available.
Regarding product availability, approximate delivery dates will be shown next to the product name. In case of sold out products, you can leave your email to be notified when they are available again.
In this step, you will see an early approximation to the final cost of the order and also you will be able to insert any discount voucher you may have.
You can choose the delivery type you want depending on the delivery address and the shipping method.
You can choose different payment methods, such as credit card or PayPal.
Once selected, press "Confirm and pay". Depending on the payment method, there will be an intermediate screen (for example, your bank page, if you chose to pay by credit card).
You will receive a confirmation email of your purchase with the order number. As soon as your order is dispatched, you will receive an email with the tracking number of your order.
Okkur langar til að tilkynna þér að persónuupplýsingarnar í þessu eyðublaði verði unnar af Funiglobal Development SL (Funidelia). Megintilgangur þessara upplýsinga er að svara beiðnum þínum eða spurningum. Löggilding fer fram með samþykki gagnabankans. Við tilkynnum þér að gögnin þín verði ekki send til þriðja aðila. Þú hefur rétt til að fá aðgang, leiðrétta og eyða gögnum, meðal annarra réttinda, eins og lýst er í persónuverndarstefnu sem er í boði hérna.