* Not counting weekends and bank holidays. Delivery time for orders placed before 3pm only on business days.
Delivery time is subject to change from date shown under product depending on your region.
All our products have an estimated delivery date which varies depending on the region. This date is constantly updated and may change depending on: our stock levels, logistic preparations and national festivities (local festivities are not considered) in order to provide you with the most accurate information possible. All delivery dates are approximate and are subject to change due to matters beyond our control. This delivery date is recalculated at the end of the purchase process when you give us your zip code, keep in mind that there are some zip codes considered "remote" by transport companies for which it is possible that delivery date may be extended.
We will dispatch all products comprised in your order at the same time, so the actual delivery date will always be set to the latest date. Please note that some products have a longer delivery time as they need to be ordered from the supplier. In the event that one or more products must be ordered, your entire order will be sent only once everything is received (order will not be sent in parts). You will be notified of this at the time of placing your order.
* Not counting weekends and bank holidays. Delivery time for orders placed before 3pm only on business days.
Delivery time is subject to change from date shown under product depending on your region.
For other international shipments: www.funidelia.info
Okkur langar til að tilkynna þér að persónuupplýsingarnar í þessu eyðublaði verði unnar af Funiglobal Development SL (Funidelia). Megintilgangur þessara upplýsinga er að svara beiðnum þínum eða spurningum. Löggilding fer fram með samþykki gagnabankans. Við tilkynnum þér að gögnin þín verði ekki send til þriðja aðila. Þú hefur rétt til að fá aðgang, leiðrétta og eyða gögnum, meðal annarra réttinda, eins og lýst er í persónuverndarstefnu sem er í boði hérna.