Our manufacturers provide us with a specific "size guide" for each costume, which can be found within the product description. We recommend you to follow these guidelines and if you are unable to decide, we suggest choosing the upper size.
Please keep in mind that the measurements are in centimeters. When measuring yourself, place the measuring tape firmly and horizontally on your body, but make sure not to hold it too tightly. To measure your figure correctly, it is recommended to only wear underwear, as your clothes can influence your actual measurements.
The measurements are based on the person that will wear the costume, not the measures of the costume itself. Not all costumes are available in all sizes. Please see each product page to check the sizes available.
If you are a very high, corpulent person, or you have doubts between two sizes, we recommend to choose the largest size.
Okkur langar til að tilkynna þér að persónuupplýsingarnar í þessu eyðublaði verði unnar af Funiglobal Development SL (Funidelia). Megintilgangur þessara upplýsinga er að svara beiðnum þínum eða spurningum. Löggilding fer fram með samþykki gagnabankans. Við tilkynnum þér að gögnin þín verði ekki send til þriðja aðila. Þú hefur rétt til að fá aðgang, leiðrétta og eyða gögnum, meðal annarra réttinda, eins og lýst er í persónuverndarstefnu sem er í boði hérna.