You will find the tracking information in the order details by accessing "your account".
If an order includes multiple products, each one may have different delivery dates. However, the estimated date provided during the purchase process is the date on which you will receive all the products together.
If you have received an email informing you of the shipment of your order with transport, in it you will find a direct link to the tracking. If you do not have this email, you can also track your shipment by accessing "your account". In it, we will provide you with the carrier's information so that you can contact them directly and get more precise information.
Note: If the package shows that it has been delivered, but you have not received it, please go to the "Order delivered but I have not received it" page for more information.
Okkur langar til að tilkynna þér að persónuupplýsingarnar í þessu eyðublaði verði unnar af Funiglobal Development SL (Funidelia). Megintilgangur þessara upplýsinga er að svara beiðnum þínum eða spurningum. Löggilding fer fram með samþykki gagnabankans. Við tilkynnum þér að gögnin þín verði ekki send til þriðja aðila. Þú hefur rétt til að fá aðgang, leiðrétta og eyða gögnum, meðal annarra réttinda, eins og lýst er í persónuverndarstefnu sem er í boði hérna.